Hi. I used to be registered as Sensei, but got
tired of popups and spyware that tried to change
my home page. So I restricted the site,
following directions someone posted here. But
this ate the cookie that logged me in
automatically when I visited the forum. And when
I'd try to post as "Sensei" I got an error
message that said I couldn't do this because the
name was already registered. And I couldn't find
the password I originally used.
So I posted as 8ense1 (which is my eBay handle)
as a visitor. Things went well ... and typing my
e-mail etc. got to be tiresome. So I decided to
register this name and file away the password
where I could find it. Registered. Password
safely saved. Nooooo problem.
But now when I try to post as 8ense1, it tells me
I can't do this because it's a registered name.
And even if I log in, I get the same message.