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Re: Concussions and a SHOW ME! (Wed Apr 14 04:48:49 2004 )
eridanus (it lets me log in [View profile ]
trying to use a "registered" name! Yes, mine! AACK!)
but then rejects my attempt to post, saying I'm

You have my sympathies!  I've done the "not 
ducking down enough" thing (when you get totally 
used to minivans and Jeeps, you've got to be 
REALLY careful getting into a low-slung sports-
car!), but luckily didn't get concussed.  Or 
maybe there's just not that much difference with 
my brain between regular and impaired states to 

Anyway, I don't have any swirly-eyes, but how 
about a bonk on the head to illustrate the impact 
area - and Inuyasha's expression, I think matches 
the ones we probably had when we realized what we 
just did - 

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