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Concussions and a SHOW ME! (Wed Apr 14 03:54:22 2004 )
Yumeko-chan [View profile ]

Probably the weirdest way EVER to get a 
concussion: I was getting into my mom's car on 
Sunday, and I didn't duck down far enough and I 
ended up banging my forehead AND getting a Grade 
I concussion.  So while I'm sitting around 
waiting this thing out, show me characters with 
swirly eyes, or who are getting hit on the 
head/look like they've been hit on the head!

The closest cel I have is this cute one of Linna, 
who looks like she's dazed or yawning, but she's 
actually in the middle of smiling...but we can 
pretend, can't we? ;)

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