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Re: toy collecting anyone? (Thu Apr 15 14:18:02 2004 )
baakay (nli) [View profile ]

*evil laugh*

One of the perks of being 1) old enough to be in 
my second childhood and 2) mom to two little 
girls is:  I get to buy toys without guilt! Lots 
of toys! And nobody even considers that they're 
really mostly for me :-)

We have an entire chest of drawers and several 
big bins full of the collections.  There's the 
requisite Barbie collection -- supplemented with 
Sailor Moon and Slayers dolls; My Little Ponies; 
Trolls (my guilty past coming back to haunt me as 
I had Trolls when I was their age back in the 
late 60's); and a huge collection of dinosaurs. 
And we won't talk about the Beanies.

I'm also sitting here gazing at my modest but 
growing collection of anime figures (4 shelves) 
and plushies.  Hisoka, yum.

You would almost think I had money.  

But I think the winner has to be our away-on-
vacation Kymaera.  I hope he won't mind if I post 
the link to his figure page.  It's... mind-


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