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So bright, so beautiful, my preciousssssss -Inquiry (Sun Apr 25 15:24:43 2004 )
fancels-org [View profile ]

When I see people cherish their cels like their 
life depends on it, I wonder how important their 
life really is compared to cels.
So I'm curious and made this little inquiry:

You can only pick one option, the pro-cel choice 
is labelled A, the other choice is B.

1. Your pet needs, NEEDS surgery, and you could 
pay for it by selling your most precious/all cels.

2. You need a car/another very important device, 
but you can't afford it without selling your most 
precious/all cels.

3. Your significant other says "It's me or your 
annoying cels!" and means it for real.
Keep the Cels/Keep him/her

4. You need to pay for education/something else 
very expensive (MUAHAHA, a good Belgian school is 
$50 a year!), and your parents would pay for it, 
but they already did soooo much for you and it 
did affect them. You could also sell your cels to 
bring up the cash.

5. You're not often invited/have an appontment 
weith people/1 person you cherish a lot and want 
to be with, but an auction is ending/a sale 
starting for THE cel at the same time that you're 
supposed to spend one of those rare times with 
Your friends/the cel?

6. Someone holds a gun to a perfect stranger's 
head and says "Stand and deliver your cels". 
(silly one)

7. You couldn't pay your electricity bills last 
time and the consequences sucked. Would you, if 
required, sell your cels this time around?

8. The dog/motorbike/expensive-dream of your life 
popped up for a good price, but so did a give-
kidney wishlist cel.
Cel/Other dream

9. You and your cohabitant are in a tight but not 
to be eternal financial situation and they ask 
you to stop buying cels for a while in order to 
save money, but THE cel shows up.

10. If Jesus popped up in front of you and 
said "Yo man, I give ya either the perfect buncha 
friends or all cels on your wishlist!" you choose:

For me, it's
1A, 2B, 3A, 4A, 5B, 6A, 7B, 8B, 9A, 10B

And for you?


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