Here's my tiny contribution ^^ I myself tend to
be more into yaoi manga than yaoi anime, as the
animes tend to be only one or two OAV's (most
would never have a chance to be TV, at least not
the truly yaoi series. Lotsa cute shounen ai TV
series, though...Yami no Matsuei and Gravitation
are two such series (although the Gravitation
OAV's were quite hilarious in a wonderfully kinky
way...), but no true yaoi is ever made to such a
scale), and thus deviod of any true plot,
character development, or that other good stuff
that usually drives me to want to collect art
from it ^^ Of course, I still buy yaoi anime for
the eye candy merits (heheeee!), but, let's all
admit it: they're plotless. All of them ^^;;
("Fish in the Trap", anyone? Dear god, that
monstrosity should have never been can
you so totally butcher a manga that's only 3
volumes? I mean, they actually managed to make
something that had, literally, no beginning and
no end. Mein gott...the only comprehensible thing
about that OAV was the rape scene). Ai no Kusabi
has the most plot of them, and even then the
radio plays and novels are -so- much better than
the anime (not to say I didn't really enjoy the
orgasmic scenes, nyehehe. But, I suppose that's
the case with a lot of manga made into OAV's,
isn't it? ::sigh:: 'Tis the fate of yaoi). So sue
me, I'm a sucker for a yaoi romance with an
intricate plot ^^;; Bronze/Zetsuai also fits into
a more plotted category, as well, and I do enjoy
that one, but it still wasn't quite up to's like no one expects yaoi fans to care
that the elements of yaoi anime are not produced
with the same quality that most anime OAV's are.
...(continued in next post...sorry if it sounds gets better ^^;;) |