...this is from a Japanese friend of mine, upon
seeing some American subtitled DBZ from the
DVD's...it's amusing that I got this e-mail today
after the thread the other day.
subject of the e-mail: Aaargh! No! That's NOT
what they're saying!
The text:
Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against
English subtitles - I'd never go
against anything that'd help spread anime across
the world - but it was just
that some of the translations had got absolutely
no relation to what was
going on in the movie. Sometimes I even felt like
banging my head against
the wall in frustration (of course, since I
understood perfectly what was
actually going on, I didn't miss out on
anything). But still, I think it's a
real pity that there are Americans out there who
suddenly find wierd,
unrelated subtitles in the middle of a foreign
language movie when they're
trying their best to concentrate on the subtitles
and the animation at the
same time.
THAT was my point. Now I'm stopping all this, no
more, fin, truce, owari, OVER. And so help me god
if I see one more of your snippy comments
regarding my anime preferences....