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Okay, I finally read this thread... (Wed May 8 00:02:22 2002 )
mouse [View profile ]

Yah, never give an alcoholic a drink!

I used to collect cels back in the mid-late 
90's.  I leared really quickly how addicting and 
damaging it can be to your wallet. I got out of 
cels and anime for quite awhile, and swore Id 
never go back.  Then I met my boyfriend, who's a 
real anime fan, and BOOM....the fuse was lit.  I 
was bored at work one day and decided to come to 
the forum just for kicks, to see what was going 
on in the world I had left behind.  I posted 
about looking for a certain cel.  Got said 
cel.......wanted more...  I got a second 
cel....wanted more....  Ah you get the drift!  
What's a real hoot is my boyfriend is extremely 
NOT fanatic about anything really.  He likes 
anime, but only as entertainment.  IT's hard to 
get him into anything, whereas I am a total 
maniac.  I obsess about everything...for awhile.  
So, he actually IS to blame for my brokedom, but 
I dont mind....I have some nice stuff because of 
him ^_~

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