I can vouch for the irc method -- although much
of the work done by groups doing digital fansubs
finds its way onto various filesharing services,
they tend to release what they do on IRC. To add
to the benefit of getting things sooner, it's
also much easier to "queue" large numbers of
files to download. The downside to this is of
course the learning curve, and the fact that (if
you're really obsessive about it) you can wind up
spending 2-3 hours queueing files 2-3 times per
day. Trust me though, it's well worth it all
when you've got an all day stream of 15-20
episodes of anime yet-to-be-released downloading
@ 10-20 kb/s each.
Of course, I'm on a co-op at the moment & even
though I have dsl, I haven't downloaded anything
in over a month & my 1,000 or so cds of anime are
now in the custody of my sister (who coincidently
has become quite popular with friends online). |