OK, not really, but that hsould express the
extent with which I adore my pan cels ^^ I have
all of ::counts them:: 3 ^^;; But I adore them.
One fits into my celbooks fine, but fo rthe two
that don't fit, I borrowed an idea from lunaart
^^ She stores her large cels on a piece of
display board, the type with the folding
sleeves/arms that totally encloses the display
area, protecting cels from and type of damaging
light or other mishap while still stylishly
displaying them when she opens it up :D I did the
same thing, and adore the simplicity of it ^^
And here's my newest aquisition, arrived
today...my cel form Leigh's auction! Heeee! I
spend forever assembling this damn thing in
Photoshop, but I adore it. The whole Tennimon
cast, heee!