For me, buying cels is like eating. ^^;;
Every once in a while, I'll get a craving for a
particular character (right now, Hiei's the soup
du jour). But once I've found one, I find
myself "full" and not want to buy another cel for
a while.
Then every once in a while, I'll see my cel book
has put on a little too much weight and I'll shed
some cels. Right now, I'm on a cel diet. I have
MORE than enuff money to buy alot of nice cels,
but I decided that my cel book is at a
comfortable size and maybe one or two cels (don't
even have to be expensive) in the next 3 months
would be nice.
Although my Hiei craving is at an all time high.
I've been fustrated at my luck lately. But, I
shall let my "snack" cel of Aya and Toya (who's
in the mail now) tide me over until I get a nice
cel of Hiei.
P.S. Did you ever notice that some cels are like
cheesecake? You KNOW you shouldn't... it's oh so
bad for you... but DAMN! =O~ *drool* |