Just a random thought... does anybody besides me
have any way out-there cels on their wishlist?
My newest preoccupation is the snail from
Escaflowne.... something about that scene just
cracks me up beyond all reason. The snail is
actually ON my wishlist... though I doubt I'll
ever find it ^_^ Of course, as I've said before,
I would preder the snail WITH Selena, BUT *looks
at her bank account* I'm trying to be realistic
Of course, I've seen at least 4 people with that
little octupus from Utena in their
galleries...maybe I have hope ^_~
Anyway, I was just curious what other oddities
collecters have on their wishlist... or extremely
odd cels you have that you're very proud of that
might make the next collector just be like "*pat
pat* OKay, that's nice, dear.... "