Well, as I've found out from life, nothing ever
ever comes at the 'right time'. *hugs*
I know I've felt the same way and yes, I do agree
that even if they are 2-d characters, sometimes
their personality traits are ever more real than
some people who reside in our 3d world. *smiles
wistfully* That's the reason I loved Subaru so
much from Tokyo Babylon and Rei from Eva, I saw
myself in them so much that I just plain cried.
Which is why I've been so obsessed to find
anything Tokyo Babylon related.
Sorry for getting emotional, but I'm really
Plus, even if I am new to this cel and board
posting thing, you (or at least most, doesn't
count that rude anonymous person in the earlier
posts) guys are really good people. ^_^
love, yui |