!#^&@#! O_o Oh, I was so vexed when my latest fan
cel finished drying this morning! I got this new
brand of paint which I thought to try, and while
the one shade looked a PERFECT skin tone match in
the jar, I kept thinking: "Should I lighten it?"
For fifteen minutes I held it up to the screen
capture, debating on adding white. But 'cuz my
last fan cel of Schuldig dried too bright, I
figured, no, it looks close enough as is.
Well, much to my disappointment, I shoulda' added
white. -_- So I present to you "Candidate for
Goddess" Heide (or Hiido) - with a very deep tan!
Gah, I was so upset, especially since the rest
turned out fairly decent...
*sigh* Sorry for the wretchedly bad scan, too.
It's just NOT my day... *sigh*
~ keeper |