Hello there,
thanks for the heads-up. And here I thought no
one visited my page.
As far as I know, my anthy cel is a production
cel. I got it about a year ago, and it did not
come with a sketch- I bought it from Micke and I
don't have any reason to think it's a fan cel.
As for the person using the scan- that's pretty
crappy. I looked at it and it is the same image-
the little reflections along the right side, the
slight changes in color on the right- all they
did was crop off the reg holes. I'll be sure to
e-mail ebay, and anyone bidding on the cel, as
well as the seller. No one asked me permission
to use the scan, and while I want people to be
able to see my cels and use them for wallpapers
if they want, I don't want them selling them on e-
bay. |