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Re: No, not Leon!! ^_^ (More replying to all posts. . .) (Sat May 11 22:30:47 2002 )
Ms. Poe [View profile ]

Phew *_*!  I can't keep track of my pets 
fur ;_;!  It floats in the air at our house...I 
wish my sister would actually brush her dog every 
night...That Border Collie sheds like a mo fo' & 
seems to keep a thick fur coat all year long -_-
...Oh well^^'!

Cotton Gloves are cheap-ola.  You can find a good 
pair for under a dollar at a local art store.  I 
bought a pair of silk gloves at a second-hand 
shop that I used for around $2 i think^^!

My cat, Oni, can't even get to my cels.  When I 
have them out though...he wanders over bobbing 
his head...Wondering what those things are.  I 
hiss at him(I do *hiss* at my cat^^;;;;;) & he 
knows from then on they're something to stay away 
from^^;;!  So...He waddles off to stare at the 
big bird cage...LOL!

The compressed air seems like a good idea...but 
be aware that some brands put more than just 
compressed air inside.  Read the label for 
container information.

Good luck^_^/!

::throws Hito a fuzzy ball to play with::

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