I'm sorting through a whole cut scene tonight and
trying to figure out how to store it so it can
still be easily seen. o_0 I have a small 10-page
cel book that perfectly holds all the douga, but
now I'm stuck on the cels. It's awkward to put
them with my other cels from the show (and my
main cel book doesn't have that much room ^_^;;)
but the sequence isn't long enough to justify
buying it its own 20-page book. To top it off,
the cels are oversized. Ideas, anyone? ^_^;
Next question: I recently bought a multilayer cel.
The seller apparently has a cat. ~_~ Said cat
apparently lives cozy with this seller's cel
books, because the cel I got (and the others in
the lot) have pet hair all over them. ~_~;; When
I try to take it off, it mostly just statics back
to the cels. I don't want to fingerprint them all
trying to get the fur off. Has anyone else had
this problem?? If so, what did you do about it?
Back to sorting. . .
Many Sharp Smiles,