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Subject: Gallery Update! 3 new cels and 1 original drawing of Rei (NGE) (Wed May 15 22:00:58 2002 )
Author: Dennis [View profile]
URL: http://home.arcor.de/denniscels/
E-mail : dennis-cels@gmx.de

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to tell that I've updated my 

I updated it with 3 new Wedding Peach cels, a 
older WP cel which I got signed by Nao Yazawa and 
a original drawing of Rei Ayanami which I get 
from Kazuya Tsurumaki at a German anime con. 

I opended a new gallery section:
"Signed cels and drawings"
There you will find a signed cels from WP as well 
as the original drawing of Rei from K. Tsurumaki.

I also added 3 new Wp cels to their corresponding 
1 new cel in the OVA cels / DX 1-4 gallery
1 new cel in the OVA cels / DX Bank/Transform 
1 new cel in the Episode cels / Group cels gallery

Please take a look if you want and tell me how 
you like it.

Greetings and take care,

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