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Subject: Cels for sale yet again. FY, ANC, SM , MKR, and Utena... (Wed May 15 21:01:04 2002 )
Author: midnightdance [View profile]
URL: http://www.geocities.com/silvermillenniumcels
E-mail : themidnightdance@yahoo.com

Read my updates page for all the information.
Pretty much everything has a price on it, if 
there isn't one offers are open as well.  Some I 
won't be selling and they are:

Super Sailor Moon
SailorMoon-Princess Serenity transformation
Sailor Mars and Rini
Those are all I can think of. 
Scroll over the pics in the galleries for prices.


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Message thread :
  • Cels for sale yet again. FY, ANC, SM , MKR, and Utena... - midnightdance (15 May 21h01)

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