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Subject: I scored a couple... (Wed May 15 07:27:35 2002 )
Author: blueheaven [View profile]
URL: http://www.outlawstarcels.com
E-mail : webmaster@outlawstarcels.com

I got the two I wanted from Yann's update. I also 
tried for a few other cels on other sites, but no 
luck. I am glad that they went to nice galleries 
though. The first one I got was this cel of Jim 
and Melfina. It is an A1END cel from the episode 
25 image song for Mel. I wanted three scenes from 
that song: Mel with the huge sundae, Mel and Gene 
gazing at eachother, and this one(I just love the 
look of wonder on her face).

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