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Subject: I have doodles on my LU cel, too...Led Zeppelin? LOL (Wed May 15 17:59:33 2002 )
Author: Steph [View profile]
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Yep. When I saw this baby up for auction, I had 
no clue what the orange thing was on her horn. I 
bid anyway. When the cel and sketch arrived, I 
got a good laugh! Check it out below.

Apparently, whoever was working on this sketch 
was a Led Zeppelin fan. It makes sense, since 
this movie was made in a time when LZ was still 
pretty popular with a lot of people. And the 
genre of the film doesn't hurt, either.

Whoever painted the cel passed the joke along, or 
maybe it was the same person...either way, it's 
out of frame anyway. The cel sure looks authentic 
to me; it shows signs of age and I doubt many 
people were faking LU cels way back then, when 
they were probably getting tossed in trash bins 
at the studio anyway.

Since the drawings on your cel match the colors 
of the cel inks exactly, I wouldn't worry. 
Someone drew a little character chasing 'shrooms 
on yours...someone drew a flaming Led Zeppelin 
sword on mine...methinks everyone at the studio 
was having a grand ol' time, hmmm? :)

I think it's a fascinating insight into the 
mindset of the people working on the film at the 
time. I don't mind it.

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