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Subject: Wheeeee! Major Slayers wishlist item checked off! *dancing* (Fri May 17 23:27:11 2002 )
Author: evilminion [View profile]
URL: http://www.evilminion.com/slayersnext.html
E-mail : webmaster@evilminion.com

Thanks to a wonderful Zelgadis trade from April 
(*glomps April*), I've finally assembled a full 
set of fuzzy-costume cels from the Artemay Tower 
episode of Slayers Next!

I'm about as happy as an otaku can get right now.  
Heeheee!  Here the poor darlings are, in all their 
demented glory!

Pink horse Lina and jellyfish Gourry:

Bunny-suit Zelgadis:

Starfish Amelia:

Centipede Martina:

And fish-suit Xelloss, who's secretly enjoying the 
whole thing:

Now, if only I could finish finding cels of every 
outfit ever worn by Gourry, I could die a blissful 
woman... **grin**

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