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Subject: FY RARE cels: Auction end in a few hours. (Fri May 17 03:09:34 2002 )
Author: Ave. [View profile]
URL: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2102169984
E-mail : StarDrifter@comcast.net

Still got two cels I need to get rid of. Take 
them off my hands PLEASE! Prices dropps, buy it 
now and I'll thrown in a bunch of FREE stuff like 
anime posters!

Signed by Watase Tasuki cel. Ends in less than 5 

SUPER RARE TV Kouji cel ends in less than 8 hours:
(you won't find that guy anytime soon in the next 
few years:) - or at cons. I should know....)

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Message thread :
  • FY RARE cels: Auction end in a few hours. - Ave. (17 May 03h09)

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