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Subject: Anyone transferred an FX sketch layer to acetate? (Sat May 18 21:46:43 2002 )
Author: little-poop [View profile]
URL: http://futuredbztrunks.homestead.com/celgallindex.html
E-mail : AnimeWorldUK@hotmail.com

I have quite a few cels with effects layers, 
mostly just shock lines etc, some colour some are 
just black lines.  I wondered if i can take these 
genga sheets somewhere & get them photocopied 
onto acetate, effectively giving me this missing 

Wondered if anyone has done this.  Assuming this 
works and you can do it with colour would it be 
possible to create missing chi effect layers?

Any thoughts?

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Message thread :
  • Anyone transferred an FX sketch layer to acetate? - little-poop (18 May 21h46)

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