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Subject: *huggles Drac* Poor Drac... (Sat May 18 10:01:45 2002 )
Author: Kamiki-nli [View profile]
URL: http://kamiki.rubberslug.com
E-mail : kamiki_chan@yahoo.com

Sorry to hear abuot that (and the poor kitty).  I 
hate days like that.  Hope you feel better soon!

Unfortunately, I don't have any cels of moms to 
show you :(  Though smart-ass Kenshinny over here 
suggested that maybe someone should have an evil 
since of humor and show a pic of Kamui's 
mother... (of course, I would have if I actually 
OWNED that cel... yeah right ^^ )

*snickers*  I've felt like THAT before... (damn 
cramps, I swear).

^_^ Ja!  And feel better!


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