"Limited Repro," hey! it's not a "bad word"..to
some of you production pundits! ^-^ it's not
repro---ssessed (*pun). or repro--ripped off, it
just is another outstanding type of cel, and this
one you can see it's image in the production, and
this one is from the studio. And it is "limited"
in scope. Mine came today and it is great to
behold..no.67/250 beautifully framed..I went
through a lot to get it too, since I live in
Japan. These were meant only for an American
customer I presume since it would have been
illegal for the dealer to sell it to me direct,
here in Japan. So, I had to ask for some help.
Maybe these limited repros were offered as a part
of the promotion for the film in the States. I
don't really know..anyway..here is what my
darling looks like..Reproduction happiness! ^-^ |