> Not exactly, the value of a cel also makes an
> owner feel good about that cel along with it's
> beauty.
Um. . . I have to comment on this. . . As a
collector, I don't give a *damn* what my cels are
worth. It has no influence on how much I enjoy
the cels. The only time that a cel's "going rate"
has any effect is when I'm trying to *buy* the
cels in the first place. In which case I would
rather they *NOT* be expensive - thankyouverymuch.
And I don't know about anyone else here, but when
I have a cel that I really like and I feel like I
got it for a *SONG* instead of being reamed for
it. . . That sometimes makes a cel feel more
special. But nothing is special about having deep
pockets to be able to outbuy fellow collectors
who aren't as financially well endowed. (*shrug*)
So you have deep pockets? Whoopee dingle whap.
Once again, I don't know if I speak for anyone
else here, but seeing a "low end" favorite cel of
someone who has a lot to say about that cel is
*MUCH* more interesting than seeing someone
showing off a bunch of flashy "high end" cels
just so they can show off.
Many Sharp Smiles,