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Disturbed by the high price of kenshin cels (Fri Jan 4 03:08:18 2002 )
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Agh any one who has been collecting kenshin cels 
now for quite some time has noticed the steep 
increase in the price of kenshin cels. What five 
months ago of a cel of kenshin smiling was $75 
to $150 , now the price is well over $400 to 
$500 dollars plus, and a serious shot of him 
would of gone for 200 -250 now goes for well 
over $650.  I estimate that kenshin cels have 
tripled in price. I used to afford cels from 
this series but I now longer can. I can only 
guese the INSANELY high ebay buy out prices and 
hige prices on other cel shops have driven these 
cels sky high. I think it was 800 for a seta cel 
and 700 for a regular kenshin face shot at one 
site, and they actually sold too. I guese the 
only thing i can do now is move on to collecting 
*NU**H* cels (fears expensive cel collectors), 
at least those cels will stay reletivly in my 
price range since its not planned to be on dvd 
in a year or so.

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