For the hunt:
Option 3: "Show
Why? Because like you said, everyone loves these.
I think it gives people a chance to really get
out there and explore. Also the fact that it
allows more points for creativity means that
people who have smaller or less visited galleries
may get more traffic. That way everyone wins. ;)
As for the images clogging up your mail box, you
already came up with an answer for that. In the
rules state that entries must contain URLs only,
otherwise they risk being disqualified.
(This option also works well because it saves you
a lot of time and effort asking owners of
different galleries to participate)
The End:
Option 1: Advanced math
finally put to use
Why? Because it's the only fair way. To have
riddles or trivia questions will come down to who
knows the most about the widest variety of shows.
A lot of people have only a couple of favorites
that they center on and may not know enough to
even come close to answering trivia questions
that don't involve one of their favs. It also
seems like a fast and clear way to choose a
winner. Imagine if two people continued to answer
the riddles or triva questions correctly, I can
see the flame war now. *ugh*
Anyway, those are just my humble opinions. Feel
free to accept them, reject them, or poop on
them. :) |