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Re: Re: Does anyone know of good DVD screenshot capture software? (Sun Jan 6 07:51:55 2002 )
fenris [View profile ]

Well not all software DVD players have a "screen 
capture" feature.  My version 1 copy of WinDVD 
did not have that feature, or for some reason I 
could not find it. :P  Though in version 3 of 
WinDVD taking a screen capture is as easy as 
pressing the letter "p" on the keyboard at any 
time and it will create a bitmap screen cap 
stored in a "capture" folder in WinDVD.

One way if getting a screen cap, if one does not 
want to purchase WinDVD is to download the trial 
version of WinDVD ver. 3 and use it's screen cap 
abilities.  The con of this is that the trial 
version is only good for 45 days and it cuts out 
after five minutes of viewing a DVD, so knowing 
where the exact scene you want to capture would 
be important.

The problems I have had with using "print scrn" 
and several different versions of screen capture 
software is that the DVD image will end up being 
blank, even using a full screen capture, while 
the DVD image is only taking up half a screen or 
so, the DVD side has always turned up blank for 
me.  Then again I really don't have the patience 
to fumble around with all the features of some 
screen cap software, so that could be my problem.

Anyway, best of luck to any and all.


(Screen cap from WinDVD ver 3)  Anybody got a 
spare cel of Shia Has that they want to sell to 
me ^^???

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