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Okay guys, this has gotten WAY out of hand... (Thu Jan 31 23:43:55 2002 )
Lady Zatara [View profile ]

(*scratching chin as I wonder why I even bother
posting here half of the time*... some people
just have nothing better to do than turn 
molehills into mountains and cry and whine...)


I think Blair's statement is true:  If you like
it, buy it.  If not, don't buy it.  If no one
wanted it, then the seller (in this case, ME)
would either look for a buyer somewhere else
or keep the blasted cel.  (The cel in question
IS a pretty cel... :P and it is also a SOLD 

In this case, Lady B was whining about a grand
total of about $8.  Personally, I make more than
that an hour and don't get my kicks trying to
"profit" from the hobby by making a measly $8.
$52 sounds like a really weird number, so I
went for the zero'd number.  AND, had anyone
written me privately and asked, I would've gladly
either charged to-the-penny what it cost me or
paid for shipping.  I'm not a mean or evil
person, but I guess some people just get their
jollies over stuff like this...

(*shrug*)  Sometimes I think the cel community
only exists to give me ulcers ^.^ (but of course
I received some very nice emails from some 
extremely nice individuals - you know who you
are ^.~ - and it begins to seem more like a 
"community" again instead of a cel-collector 

Just my $0.02. 

aka Lady Zatara

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