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Re: Q 'bout (Mon Oct 29 12:25:18 2001 )
Lady Zatara [View profile ]

This is not a "real cel", like you're looking
for.  These cels (sold by Hyperenity, who makes
"collectables" from copyrighted images for
just about every popular 80's show) are just
fan cels with a fancier name.

I was struck, too, but how much that "full 
Unicorn" cel looked like a real cel... they even
wrote "production" numbers on it and stuck a 
pencil sketch behind it to make it look more
real.  (The shading isn't quite right, though,
to look EXACTLY like a real cel...)

So, no... these are not production cels or
"real cels"... these are fancels... hence the
bid price under $10... :P  I don't usually have
a problem with fancels (some of them look REALLY
cool, esp. if they're original poses/costumes,
etc and are well done) but when the seller puts
a "production" number on it and sticks a 
sketch behind it to make it almost exactly 
imitate the real thing (and then makes the
phrasing misleading unless you read really
closely and know what you're looking for...????


aka Lady Zatara

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