This isn't really rated in order of which one I
like the best ^_^; it's more just that I visit
these all the time:
Keys' Gallery
She has such good taste in cels :) I just love
visiting Raiel-chan and Wolfwood-sama!!!
Ryouko's Gallery
I love the domain name for one (sailor-v forever
^_^!!) plus I am a big fan of her Tamahome,
Tasuki, and Raiel cels ^___^!
ISL's Gallery
Who doesn't drool over ISL's cels? They are truly
amazing O___o.
Asylum Cel Gallery and Cellery's Gallery
These links are private, but the cels are
Ms_Poe's Gallery
Most of the series she collects I don't like,
most I haven't even watched (and probably never
will ^_^). But she has VERY good taste in cels,
the cels she picks have vibrancy and life. They
are really stunning and worth checking out.
Deb's Cel Gallery
Gorgeous site design, amazing cels.
Luna Regina's Cel Gallery
Small collection, but very nice :)
Yann's Gallery
Though I usually start weeping, so I have to
leave. God I want your Shamanic cels *whimper*
Luna Illuminata:
Very nice SM cels.
Atiya's Gallery
Cute cute cute critter cels. You need to put up
more cels ;_;
Nancy's Cel Gallery
Droolage ^_^
That's it :) I hope you enjoy visiting those
sites too ^___^! There are a lot of other great
galleries out there >.< hope I didn't forget
anyone O___o