Minion's = slayers slayers slayers and great
xellos' = Ahhh home of beloved xellos cels her
site is my most envied place to go to turn
absolutely green.
Kaijufan's = slayers cel's and an amazing grading
Jinx's = ayashi no ceres FY and a great site
Ryouko's= in my mind the standard of FY sites
simply the most beautiful FY cels anywhere..
Drac's = because she has a really good eye for
art, everytime that I see her cels, even if its
not a series I collect it makes me want to
collect cels that nice.
Mouses= cause she makes her site look so pretty
all those handdrawn cuties and animations floor
and then of course my own..not because its any
good but everytime I go to one of THESE sites I
want to make it better. =P