I'm wondering how many people would be interested
in me putting a 'how to make animation cels' page
on my website, including supplies, supply costs,
where to get 'em, etc. (And I'd even put in a
little 'ethics of cel reproduction' note)
The thing is, I get SO many people emailing me
asking for help on how to make cels, and there
are usually people who post in here wondering how
to do it too. Instead of typing up my usual
multi-paragraph bit on 'this works... this
doesn't... try doing this... you can get these
things at this sort of place' I was thinking of
doing a page that people can be easily referred
to. I'll probably scan the cel of Nuriko I'm
doing in various stages to illustrate the point.
So why am I asking? Well I'm sure there's a
couple of people on this forum who would really
not like me having a how-to-make-reproduction-
cels tutorial. (With the fear that some
unscrupulous types are going to make some well
done reproduction cels and sell them off as the
real thing.)
If I just get positive feedback, great! If I get
some people with legitimate concerns (legitimate
does not mean 'you better not put a link to my
site as an example of good cel scans to use as
reproductions' give me SOME credit) I'll take
them into account. If some people want to give
me suggestions on the 'ethics' part (I have
signing them, marking them as 'reproduction' and
changing some minor detail to help differentiate
it in the future already) that's even better ^_^