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DBZ cel update and a geocities question (Sat Nov 10 18:20:50 2001 )
gogeta00 [View profile ]

Hi Everybody,

I updated with 4 new cels on "page 1" of the 
gohan section.  I also rearranged things for 
faster loading and added bqackgrounds to just 
about all the cels that didn't have one (many 
thanks to Emily for her keen eye in backgrounds. 
I also have a question about geocities.  When I 
update and I go to check that all the links and 
images are showing properly, after a little more 
than one pass across my site, geocitites tells me 
my site is temporaily unavailable due to too high 
a Data Transfer Status.  Everytime that happens 
(and it happens quite a bit) I get an email 
telling me its too high and that I can aviod this 
by making my pages smaller wieght or going with 
thier "premium services" ::rolls eyes::.  I have 
rearranged things to make the pages considerably 
smaller but it still happens.  Could a high Data 
transfer status mean I have too much of my 
alotted space taken up also?  Can I prevent this 
by deleting some files?  I thought this might be 
a good place to ask seeing as others have 
problems with geocities as well.  Any info or 
help would be greatly apprechiated.  Anyway, so 
if you see that my site is temporarily 
unavailable, its only for a short time.

Thanks and have fun browsing!


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