My God.
You thought it was ironic that she started the
mad rush and then pissed and moaned about.
I think you're giving her quite a bit of credit.
I'm sure rush had nothing to do with Taro
themselves posting when the sale began, at THE
EXACT MOMENT that it began. Just how bored are
you that you had time to sift through her posts
and pick out the best lines to post. When did you
find the time in-between polishing your gun and
stroking it lovingly. Does Jodie Foster know
you're out of jail? Say what you want about not
being a wierdo and a stalker, but if it quacks
like a duck and has feathers, it's a duck. And by
the way, does your biting wit come from actual
scientific data you've collected, or do you
simply draw upon your vast reserves of BS as a
philosopher? Up till now, I've been content to
lurk, but I just couldn't resist jumping in with
my two cents worth. Feel free to blast me as you
want, I couldn't care less. But if your going to
pick on people, you should at least be a little
more objective when you do and don't single out
one person to ridicule when you do it. This is
supposed to be an open forum where people can
express themselves to other people who have
similar interests. We're all cel collectors here,
there isn't some invisible heirarchy that we all
have to observe. If Shawnna has trangressed
against the GODS of the cel forum, then maybe it
was because they didn't announce themselves. |