Thanx! ^_^ My fiance does the same thing when I
order. I usually just have to put on my sweetest
face and I end up getting what I want. I'm within
reason though,nothing over 125 yet!....yet mind
you...:p Shhhhhhh hehehe >:). (My Dream Cel is
out there somewhere!)
Disney cels are soooooo expensive! O_o I'd love
to collect them if I ever won the lottery....:p I
saw a rough sketch of two squirrels from Snow
White and they wanted something like 300 dollars
for it!!! O_o NO THANKS! Even high profile series
like Evangelion don't go for as much as most
Disney cels! Still would love to have one though.
Episode 24 made me cry too!:( In fact it still
does to this day, whether its the dub or the
sub! :p
Ja Ne!
Lunatic |