Hi, Brenda. As someone who has been known to
lament from time to time about her bad luck in
catching updates and finding cels she wants, I
can completely understand and sympathize with
your post. Everyone here has pretty much said
what I wanted to say, but let me reiterate that
even though it feels awful to miss out on a cel
you really want, there is always another around
the corner.
A couple of times in the past I have watched
dream cels go to someone else because I didn't
catch the update or didn't have the money and lo
and behold a few months down the road either a
similar cel appeared or the original winner of
the cel was willing to sell or trade. Personal
galleries are great in this respect. Don't be
afraid to ask - I have had nothing but positive
experiences from this forum and this group of
people. Just hang in there! ^_^ |