Mmm, three hour nap... ^_^;;. Still recovering
from AX.
Mouse: You don't have to make an html page for
each thumbnail if all you want to show is the
bigger image ^_^. You can just link straight to
the bigger file. If you also want to include
summaries, then you will have to make separate
html pages for each. But you can pick and choose
only doing these for the nicest ones, and have a
separate link for the text (if that makes any
sense). I love being able to look at closeups of
cels, too ^_^. And I agree, I LOVE Debbye's
gallery design (so pretty!).
Baakay: Well, everyone has their own preferences
on what they like ^_^. What I did for my site was
simple javascript popup windows for the text
details, and have the thumbnails link to larger
files. The category links are text-based with
underlining turned off, just for ease of
rearranging and adding categories later (since I
collect anything and everything that catches my
eye ^^;;). I find it easier to come out with a
layout I like first, then work on the graphical
design of the site. I think mouse's idea is a
great one: go through the webring and see which
sites catch your eye. Maybe you'll get ideas for
your own site, or at least get a better idea of
what you like and don't like ^_^.
Some things that might be helpful to keep in mind
when creating an online gallery:
* True thumbnails must be edited to be smaller
in an image editing program, *not* merely changed
in the html code on the site. Just changing it in
the code means that everyone still has to load in
huge files when they want to see your site, and
it'll look pixelly besides.
* Avoid using code that is only viewable
correctly by MSIE users. I've been coming across
a lot of sites now that use absolute positioning,
which is a MSIE only feature and just makes
everything smush in Netscape ^^;;. Also, if
you're handcoding (hehe), make sure that you close
all your table tags, or just a blank page will
appear for Netscape users.
* Many people now watermark their cel images, to
keep people from taking them and attempted to sell
or auction them on eBay without actual ownership.
This is usually a URL typed across the image, but
it can really be anything *G*. Make sure to save
an un-typed-on image copy on your harddrive just
in case you ever want to make future changes (or a
Photoshop file with layers, if you're using that
program ^_^).
I hope at least a little bit of this made sense,
I'ze still kinda woozy. Off to dinner!
Talia |