> This area i'm not to sure about. Does a contract
> have to be a signed document between the two
> parties? What about verbal agreements? Does
> that make them invalid? The snag with verbal
> agreements is that there is no evidence so it's
> hard to prove it even existed. But aren't mails
> are written/typed contracts?
Yes there can be verbal contract. But a
confirmation of command is not a contract at all.
You would need a "sale promise" (dunno the extact
term in english) which is a formal binding
contract. It can't be writen just in anyway
but have to follow some strict rules. Usualy
such a contract involve clauses about what happen
if one of the party break it. (and that apply to
both party : seller and buyer. So a buyer can't
cancel the sale just like that).
Before the paiement is received by the seller,
you can't even say that there is a transaction...
In some extrem cases and with a very good lawyers
you may be able to sue if the sale was canceled on
the ground of some kind of discrimination. (and
no, "I don't like you" is not a discrimination).
> If i offended you as a seller Yann,
Not as a seller : as a non-american who
think that lawsuit should be reserved for serious
matters and shouldn't be doable for any silly
Yann Stettler |