Seller on ebay "zuca"...
Check out the auctions - this seller is
splitting up douga and cels and selling them
as two separate auctions. He/she even has
3 auctions running for a Utena setup - one
for the genga, one for the douga, and one
for the cel.
Maybe I'm just a purist and think these things
should stay together, especially since the
cels aren't THAT expensive (not like the
thousands of dollars for other series) for a
cel of Utena or Miki... I simply can't
understand why someone would do that other than
to try to make a quick buck off of someone
who wants to keep all 3 parts together and would
bid on all 3 auctions.
The actions of this seller are enough that I
won't bid on ANY of their auctions...
Does anyone else think this is wrong or at
least distasteful?