When Im looking for cels, I think this:
Now, if I buy this, what will I do with it? Will
it go in a box, or is it nice enough to hang on
the wall after spending about 100$ getting it
custom framed at a cel gallery?
If the answer is BOX, I dont buy the cel. I
suppose Im not a true collector. I will only be
interested in GREAT images of ONLY my VERY
favorite characters from shows that I just cannot
forget. Even Nuriko cels, if it's not REALLY
nice, I wont bite. Which means Im looking at
high prices, but it's worth it. Same goes for
Bluth cels, which I love, only the perfect images
will do.
To tell you the truth....ever since Ive been
coming here to look for more Nuriko cels, my
stress level has risen uncomfotably high, having
to search and search countless miniscule
galleries for the extremely off chance I might
find a good Nuriko, only to be let down time and
time again...my arm hurts from so much clicking,
and my shoulders are like wood as I anticipate
the best, but expect the worst..I myself have to
constantly wonder...is it really worth it?? 5
years from now,10 years from now, will I REALLY
still want these? YES, for the good Nuri's or
Bluth cels, but NAY for just about anything else.
It's only worth it when you get what you REALLY
REALLY want....all other times, it's not worth it
to me. |