Hoihoi.. I posted this semi-rant about cel
collecting in general on another board several
weeks ago. So if you've seen it already, please
disregard ;) If not, I'd love to hear your
opinions and ideas about it.. Have you ever felt
this way too?
One week I love them... One week I stop and think
"Why do I waste hours upon hours of my time
looking for these stupid pieced of plastic that
cost far too much??"
I used to have a full gallery online.. I would
spaz the moment I got a confirmation on a cel and
add it right to my gallery.. OOH CEL OOH CEL!
Then I started thinking stupid thoughts like "wow
that would look good in my gallery.. I should buy
that"... buying things with the little voices
telling me the gallery needs more.
So I said NO MORE! And took down the majority of
my gallery only to be replaced by a small page
with favs only. This made me happy, and also
helped me to "let go" of some cels which I had
been hanging onto to "thicken up the gallery", so
to speak.. Really sick. Cels make me crazy. I'm
having a hard time coming to terms with the fact
that I really really was going mental over a
collection of plastic.
Am I the only one? Is this "normal" for us? Have
we all gone mad?
Two months ago my webpage went down for good
(disk crash) and I don't know yet if I'm going to
bother to put up cels again. It's kind of a
release not to have to keep up with even a non-
changing favs gallery.. the e-mails and stuff it
generates. But on the flip side, it was always
fun to get those e-mails and chitterchat with
other cel-geeks. I guess I miss that.
Ugh, cels... One minute I love them and the next
minute I hate them.
I'll stop babbling now. I need a coffee.