Thanks for your kind remark, Baakay! I used to
webmaster for a big videogame developer... these
days I just play with my own site for fun. :) A
lot less stress, and I don't have to be mild and
inoffensive. *giggle*
Wow... just got back from perusing your gallery,
and I'm sooooo glad you posted the link. Now I
get to go drool over your Dall Narciss whenever I
like! *grin* That has to be the best portrait
shot of him I've ever seen. Yum yum yum!
And then there's your Tenchi closeup, and Gilda,
and the shot of Lina and Gourry fighting over the
fish... hmmmmm...
*calls up rent-a-ninja and prepares for a daring
raid on your binders* ;) |