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How long before inquiring about an Anime Gambit order? (Fri Apr 20 20:32:51 2001 )

As a courtesy, how long should I wait before 
inquiring about an order I put in with Anime 
Gambit last Tuesday (about 30 minutes after the 
update)?  I'm shuffling some money around, and I 
need to know whether or not to keep that $100  
handy.  :-)

I looked through the archives and saw that AG was 
taking a week or more to respond to orders last 
summer due to a deluge of e-mail.  Is the wait 
still that long?  I'd e-mail them again, but if 
they are already swamped I don't want to add to 
the problem.

I guess another possibility is that they only 
respond to the folks who actually get the cels.  I 
dunno.  Can anyone tell me if that's the case?



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