Thanks. I'm just ready for these stupid off-topic
rant posts from people with no names to end. So,
posting this to say that. But no, sure some un-
named folks meant to longate it. Who knows. And
for the comment up above, which the person didn't
put their name, hehehe, you took the words right
out of my mouth. I'm sure you would not like that
done to you, would you? Are you upset because I
am not effected by your words or your anger
belonging to you? ^_^;; What human being would go
into someone's face and tell them what they
think? And just because I tell the truth and
happy on things, and hold myself better than to
do what you just did, you decide yor tired of my
posts? Yesh, maybe we might be tired of other
people's posts, but we don't treat them such
rudely and make a big long deal about it. I wish
to end this thread because it's ridiculous. Just
one person does something and then that gives
some others~who supposingly don't have a name, a
chance to be mean as well? I haven't even posted
that much in here for you to even make that
assumption. Nor, has anything been flooded by my
countless Tasuki posts. I have not even been here
for more than a few months and the people ranting
act as if I've been here for decades making
countless posts about Tasuki. The mosts posts
I've done was here, trying to get this thread to
end and put a stop to it, so we can get back on
topic and to what we love. I'm glad some others
here are with me and such. Feels good to know
very nice people still do exist, especially all
the nice folks I've already met here. That's why
it's so funny to me. Anyway, talking about cels
you collect is not a crime, and I do it in good
spirits, instead of being cranky all the time. Is
that what bugs people? I want to talk about cels,
but no, some go off topic just to say that
because on the net somewhat, you don't have to
confront people in real life, so it's the easy
way to be mean behind a screen. I really don't
care what ya think about my posts, and if you
have a problem with me being happy-then that's
your feelings and your responsiblity. I would
wish the best for you and if you posted lots of
things, would be happy you got something to say.
I hope the best life for all you ranters and that
many blessings come your way. I pray for
happiness and that you get what you want out of
life. So, you see, I'm not all mad at you, just
think you don't have to stoop low and rant and go
after little ol's me. Just what on earth did I
ever do to you? I never even would do what you
did to me to you. I'm not that kind of person.
Nothing you do will change who I am or my
disposition so yer posts are pointless. Maybe to
another person they would go away crying because
you had to post stupid things, but not me. Sorry,
I'm just a bit well, I don't get effected by
words that are mean tot drag me down in the mud.
Thanks Peggichu! I am always overly happy about
my hunt. I just take my cel collecting seriously
and just find it amusing people have the time to
post silly posts to try to bring others down or
try to purposely hurt them. Well, it doesn't work
on me. I got too many good things going in my
life for others to ruin it. Thank you for the
support. I guess some folks can't stand to see
happy people...? Or maybe they are mad at me
because I got to a cel they wanted before them?
@@ Hmm.... |