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Ok, this is the weirdest thing...supernatural! Involves topic of Tasuki cels up lately... (Tue May 15 03:24:04 2001 )


Ok, by some weird fate twist, this had me in awe 
shock for a moment, because don't remember what 
happened! I thought, well, did and went and bid 
on a cel of Tasuki in his pajamas, then all of a 
sudden, tonight, another dream cel comes up and I 
regreted doing so, because well, won't have 
enough money to spend at con if I'm going after 
three dream cels, plus another one of Tasuki! 
Well, then I was in woo all day long for bidding 
on that cel and what happens...?

I forgot that when I went to bid on it, by a 
weird act of God's timing I swear-well, AOL 
messanger has been making my computer get stuck 
when the sound plays and well, my computer 
freezes! Well, hit enter and the bid was going 
in, so no turning back and then all of a sudden I 
had to turn my 'puter off and restart, thinking 
the bid went in...because it froze! I just don't 
remember that or thought it did! But my darn 
computer decided to get all freaky as I did, 
because it was fate and I'm glad because the bid 
didn't go through! Now, I have time to think it 
over and glad my computer screwed me up there, 
and the bid didn't go through! I can't believe 
the twist of that! I was worried all night long 
then this happens, and now I can go full force 
after that Tasuki cel someone is offering and 
Suboshi. *grins* Gomen, just see two nice cels 
and I about burst...

Oh, and another dream cel on ebay of Tasuki-gah, 
which I put a very high bid on it and can rest 
easy now. Ah, thank the weird timing and twist of 
that event! *smiles*

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