Another good tool I've found for evaluating your
web site (in terms of usability/navigation) is
Nielsen's 10 heuristics. You can find them
online at:
If you are really bored and want to read a pretty
good book on how to re-design your site, a book
called Contextual Design (forgot the authors) was
pretty good. If anyone wants some help on
usability/navigation on their website I'd be
happy to help out. Usability,navigation and load
time are the 3 most important factors when I
design a site. Right now I'm in the process of
re-doing my site to make it a little more
pleasing to the eye and improve the navigation ^^
-Another annoying part of poorly designed
websites (imho) is poorly chosen backgrounds.
For people using dial-ups I know this can be
murder on them! I've seen a lot of sites where
they tile the background and it obscures the