Well, thye are hand painted cels, and one was a
Jacket cover image from a anime series, fY, and
then the other ANC one, they had some that look
like just poster images, but one that I want
looks something that doesn't belong on a poster,
but looks like a scene from maybe part of the
show. And the bottom said there were only like
ten released or something...
But the ANC cel looks hand painted, it's at Taro
actually if anyone wants to know what it looks
like, around over 600 dollars and just is so
sizzling I about gasped. Aya with short hair and
just the way they are holding one another took my
breath away. I dunno if it is a scene from the
series or what. And the Chichiri and Tasuki one I
believe if I can remember said hand painted and
guess that one would be a bit more special if
it's from the jacket cover of the FY box. I have
been saving up for that Tasuki and Chichiri one,
but then saw that ANC one and like was all in
awe. Heh, is that enough info? Thanks for the
response. |